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1937 Reading Room There are 3 printers located in the 1937 reading room. 2 in the upper reading room and 1 in the lower. Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
AAP - Aras an Pharsaigh There is one printer located in the computer room in AAP - Aras an Pharsaigh Building Opening Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00 – 22:00 Sat, 8:30 – 13:00 Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Arts Becket There are 2 printers in Arts Becket Room 1 Building Opening Hours: Mon – Sun, 8:00 – 18:00 Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Arts Becket Room 2 (Mac Room) There is 1 Printer located in the Arts Becket room 2 (Mac) Building Opening Hours: Mon – Sun, 8:00 – 18:00 Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Arts concourse There are 3 printers located in Arts Concourse. There is also a Datapac kiosk in this location, Building Opening Hours: Mon – Sun, 8:00 – 18:00 Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Berkeley Library There are 7 printers in the Berkeley library. 2 located on the first floor, 1 in Iveagh Hall, and 4 in the basement area Berkeley Library, College Green, Ireland | |
Bio Science There are 2 printers in the Bio Science building in the computer room on level -2 Building Opening Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 17:30 Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse Street, Ireland | |
Computer Science There is one machine in the Computer Science area in the O'Reilly Insititute Building Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Dartry - Student Residency There is one printer located in the computer room in Dartry Trinity Hall, Dartry Road, Dartry, Ireland | |
East End 1-4 East End Buildings There is 1 printer in East End building room 1 There is 1 printer in East End building room 2 There is 1 printer in East End building room 3 There is 1 printer in East End building room 4 - this is a Mac room Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Hamilton building There are 10 printers throughout the Hamilton Building. 4 in computer labs, 4 in the east-end and 2 in the concourse Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Lecky Library There are 2 printers in this location Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
St. James There are 2 printers on the ground floor in the computer room. There are 3 printers in the library There is 1 printer on the 2nd floor St. James/'s Hospital, James/'s Street, Ireland | |
Arts Becket Room 4066 There is one printer located in the computer room on the fourth floor room 4066 Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
Hamilton Library There are 3 printers in the Hamilton Library Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Ireland | |
School of Nursing There are 2 printers in this location. 1 is located in the foyer and the other is in the computer room. There is also a Datapac kiosk in this computer room. TCD School of Nursing & Midwifery, Ireland | |
Ussher Library There are 4 printers in this location. 2 located in the 24 hour library, and 2 located on the fourth floor. James Ussher Library, Dublin, Ireland |